
Welcome to Runamuck Studio!
Hi, My name is Dennis Haynes. The name "Run Amuck" was chosen because, in more modern terms, it simply means running around like a crazy person. Sometimes I feel like that and even more loosely interpreted, some may say my "style" runs amuck. I love it that way. This particular spelling of the phrase is simply a website-availability thang.
I was born and raised in Texas and I'm living in beautiful Santa Rosa, CA with my husband, Robert. I like to create one-of-a-kind pieces that are mostly holiday-themed and my style is "anything goes". I get bored easily so I like to challenge myself to create something new, something that challenges my skill level and that challenges my standards and ideals. Sometimes cute is great and sometimes macabre is great. I toggle back and forth.
I produced "Hallowbaloo!", a national Halloween art show in the Seattle area from 2014-2021.
Have a great day and remember to spend a little time running amuck!